In case you have multiple operating systems installed, choose the operating system you wish to use for the automatic startup. In the System Properties dialog press the Settings button for Startup and Recovery. Click Advanced System Settings from the left side.

Open Start, right-click on My Computer and choose Properties. If you are not sure how to edit BIOS consult somebody who can. Once you have successfully changed the value, please exit saving changes. To do that, go to your BIOS and then to the Power settings and make the relevant changes. Setup Your BIOSįirst of all, you need to setup your BIOS configuration to ensure that the PC starts up automatically in case of an accidental power failure. Here is a step by step tutorial that will explain how you can start your PC automatically after an accidental power failure and logon to a specific user account by editing your registry and system properties. Auto-Restart Your PC after a Power Failure And Logon To A Specific Windows User Account Automatically